来源:江苏重道工业科技有限公司 时间:2025-03-26 22:20:20 [举报]
1. 设计目的:泄爆窗设计目的在于当建筑物内部发生爆炸或压力急剧升高时,能够迅速释放爆炸压力,以保护建筑物主体结构和人员安全;普通窗主要用于采光、通风和观景。
2. 结构强度:泄爆窗通常具有更强的结构强度,能够承受爆炸产生的冲击和压力;普通窗的结构强度相对较低,主要满足日常使用需求。
3. 开启方式:泄爆窗的开启方式一般为向外爆开,且开启灵活、迅速;普通窗的开启方式有平开、推拉等,注重便利性和密封性。
4. 材料选用:泄爆窗使用的材料具备较高的抗爆性能和耐冲击能力,如特殊的钢材、玻璃等;普通窗的材料选择更注重美观、保温、隔音等性能。
5. 密封性:泄爆窗在正常状态下也需一定的密封性,以防止灰尘、雨水等进入;普通窗更侧重于长期保持良好的密封性能,以满足节能、隔音等要求。
6. 安装要求:泄爆窗的安装需要遵循严格的规范和标准,包括与建筑物主体结构的连接方式等;普通窗的安装则相对较为常规。
7. 价格:由于泄爆窗的特殊性能和设计要求,其价格通常普通窗。
泄爆窗是一种特种钢窗,设计用于在建筑物内外气压差达到一定数值时自动打开,释放气体,降低内部气压,以保护建筑物内的人员和财产。泄爆窗通常采用经机构认证的泄爆螺栓系统,具有可靠的泄爆性能,并且可以根据客户对气压差的不同要求进行定制生产。通常在工业民用厂房锅炉房,危险品仓库等应用的轻质泄压窗(重量不超过60kg/m2)。有保温型泄爆窗和采光型泄爆窗两类,泄爆值通常在20-40PSF,在建筑物室内发生爆炸或燃烧时屋内气体压力随之急剧上升,泄爆窗通过泄爆配件或装置使窗开启并释放压力以控制爆炸的产生或使破坏程度达到小。针对工况企业、厂房车间、锅炉房等危险易燃易爆场所,泄爆将所产生的压力泄于室外,以减少冲击波对建筑物结构造成的伤害。泄爆窗功能分析:① 泄爆门窗选用材料能够满足使用时的泄压要求② 泄爆压力值设置为:墙面20-40pfs,屋面60-90pfs,且同时满足当地风荷载要求。按照中华人民共和国国家标准《锅炉房设计规范》GB50041第15.1.2条规定:“锅炉房的外墙,楼地面或屋面,应有相应的防爆措施,并应有相当于锅炉间占地面积10%的泄压面积”当泄压面积不能满足上述要求时,可采用在锅炉房的内墙和顶部(顶棚)敷设金属减压板作补充。
三、泄爆相关条文图集(部分资料参考FORCITY)规范图集-14J938 抗爆、泄爆门窗及屋盖、墙体建筑构造《建筑设计防火规范》GB 50016《粉尘防爆安全规程》GB 15577《粉尘爆炸泄压指南》GB/ T 15605《工业企业煤气安全规程》GB6222美国工厂保险联盟(FM 1-44:Damage Limits Construction)《建筑用安全玻璃 第2部分:钢化玻璃》 GB 15763.2
防爆泄爆类门窗产品主要用于存在爆炸危险的建筑物,目的是为了防爆及泄爆,使建筑内外不受爆炸冲击波危害并有效的阻止爆炸危害的延续。Explosion-proof and explosion-venting door and window products are mainly used in buildings that are at risk of explosion. The purpose is to prevent explosion and explosion, so that the inside and outside of the building will not be harmed by explosion shock waves and effectively prevent the continuation of explosion hazards.防爆门是爆炸物在被保护的建筑物或房间的外部爆炸时(外爆),在门洞口处设置的具有防护冲击波、碎片及火焰作用的门(门开启时为外开)。当爆炸物在室内爆炸时(内爆),且等效静荷载≤1000 KPa时,防爆门也可用于防内爆(门开启时为内开),在空气冲击波作用下门扇自动转向关闭状态。The Blast-proof doors are doors to anti shock waves, debris and flames when explosives explode outside the protected building. When the explosive is indoors and the equivalent static load is ≤1000 KPa, the B-type Blast-proof door can also be used to anti the implosion from automatically closing the door leaf.抗爆窗是能抵抗来自建筑物外部爆炸冲击波的特种建筑固定外窗,对爆炸冲击波、爆炸碎片和火焰具有防护作用。抗爆窗由内外窗和联锁装置等组成,并且内外窗扇不得同时开启。当无法满足内外窗扇交替开启要求时需进行设计。内外窗扇均由气缸实现开启,如需要其他开启方式时可与我司联系进行特殊订货。The Blast-proof window is a special building material that can resist the explosion shock wave from the outside of the building, and has a protective effect on the explosion shock wave, the explosive debris and the flame. Applicable to the anti-explosion room of the dangerous workshop (anti-blast compartment), suitable for places where the equivalent static load is less than or equal to 1000KPa. If it is greater than this value, special design is required. The inner and outer windows are opened by the cylinder. If you need other opening methods, you can contact us for special order. 泄爆门的门扇部分是由许多扇泄爆窗组成的,在给定的开启压力作用下泄爆窗能够打开泄压口,而在泄爆之后又能关闭泄压口,在泄爆之后经过简单处理是可以继续使用的,泄爆压力值达到10KPa~20KPa时泄爆门上的泄爆窗可以开启。泄爆门均为外开门,门扇上的泄爆窗均向外开启。Its door leaf is composed of a number of pressure relief windows that open automatically under a given pressure and can be closed after pressure relief. After the pressure relief, it can be used continuously after simple treatment. When the pressure value reaches 10KPa~20KPa, the pressure relief window on the pressure relief door can be automatically opened.泄爆窗是一种泄爆(泄压)装置,它是在给定的开启压力作用下能够打开泄压口而在泄爆之后又能关闭泄压口的可继续使用的外窗。泄爆压力值达到10KPa- -20KPa时泄瀑窗可开启。The pressure relief window is an external window that can be used continuously. The pressure relief port can be opened under a given pressure and the pressure relief port can be closed after the pressure relief is completed. The pressure relief window can be opened when the pressure value reaches 10KPa- -20KPa.泄爆窗是易碎的泄爆轻型窗,是为抗爆间室提供泄压面的轻型外窗。在泄爆窗室外侧设置现浇钢筋混凝土抗爆屏院。轻型窗的采光部分采用塑性透光材料。The pressure relief window is a fragile lightweight window. It is a lightweight exterior window that provides a pressure relief surface for the anti-blast chamber. A cast-in-place reinforced concrete anti-explosive screen is installed on the outside of the room equipped with a B-type pressure relief window. The lighting part of the window is made of plastic light-transmitting material.