来源:江苏重道工业科技有限公司 时间:2025-03-12 22:07:11 [举报]
Today is Xiaofeng who came with the case of the explosion project, we briefly understood the two explosion brands of Infastech earlier, I don't know how much you know about "Explosion Leaking"?
Explosion venting: As the name implies, it mainly plays the role of explosion prevention and release of explosion pressure. That is, on the premise that the explosion relief product acts on the main body of the building, when the explosion occurs in the building, the pressure relief surface can be released in time in the explosion impact force after the huge pressure generated after the huge pressure is generated, so as to prevent the pressure relief surface from splashing and avoid causing secondary damage.
Taking explosion relief bolts as an example, our commonly used explosion relief bolts are generally composed of explosion relief nails, casings and explosion relief gaskets (as shown in the figure).
“小螺钉、大世界”,一颗螺丝钉可能是一座建筑的依托,同时它也承载着一个企业的努力。作为建筑类自攻钉生产企业,盈锋时刻不敢懈怠,“品质与安全”永远是我们的核心。其次,作为国内早引进的首批钢结构自攻钉美资企业,盈锋凭借、高性价比的市场定位,迅速国内钢结构自攻钉市场,多年来,我们累计了近10000个成功案例,其中不乏超大型的公建项目,如机场、大型体育馆的建设等。 背靠于(美国)给予的资金、技术支持,遵循国内取材、国内加工、美资标准的质量体系,我们期望能大程度发挥盈锋螺钉自身高防腐、命、高性价比的优势,在国内外市场上行稳、致远。